Common Joint Problems in Women: What Causes Them?

Common Joint Problems in Women: What Causes Them?

Joint pains are extremely bothersome. It restricts the ability to stay active and live your life to the fullest. Experiencing pain in the joints are common, particularly with older people. As people age, the cartilages found in the joints eventually wear and tear, making every joint movement painful.

Studies further reveal that women are more likely to suffer from joint pains than men. There are several factors that may be linked to this. Before delving into the factors and how to prevent them, let us first review the common joint problems that affect women:


Arthritis is a common joint disease that most often affects adults over the age of 40. When arthritis progresses, it affects frequently used joints such as the wrists and knees. According to research, one in four women experience this kind of joint problem.

Arthritis tends to affect different joints in females than males. This is because women’s tendons move around frequently and are also more elastic for childbirth. This also is the reason they are more prone to injury. Moreover, as women’s hips are wider, it affects the alignment of the knees in such a way that it becomes more vulnerable to injuries.

Females may also experience worse pain than males. Symptoms of arthritis may affect women worse than men, such as pain and swelling of the joints and mild joint stiffness. This kind of arthritis may be prevented or lessened by a regular intake of joint supplements for women.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is different from osteoarthritis, which is caused by the breakdown of the cartilage that serves as a cushion for the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an autoimmune reaction that may be more debilitating. This condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues. Unlike osteoarthritis caused by friction on the joints, rheumatoid arthritis affects the joint lining that causes swelling and may eventually result in erosion of the bones and deformity on the joints.

According to research, rheumatoid arthritis tends to strike women at a younger age than men and affects them harder as well.  Researchers likewise found that women with this disease may experience more severe symptoms.

Reasons Women Become Susceptible to Joint Pain

There are several factors that may put women at any age at a higher risk of developing joint pain. Here are some of the reasons and how to prevent them:


Estrogen, which is the female hormone, plays a big role in cartilage protection. It also helps in preventing inflammation in the body. This is the reason younger women may experience less arthritis than men. When estrogen levels plummets, the protection of the cartilage to the joint also decreases. Women experience a drop in estrogen during menopause and during the menstrual cycle, which is probably the reason they feel pain and become sluggish during these phases.

Women’s Flexibility

Women are more flexible than men. Women can move more freely and elastically, and it may result in a greater risk for developing joint pain. However, this does not mean that women should move less. It is advisable to stay active by finding activities that have a low impact on the joints, such as swimming or cycling. It is also important to avoid activities that have repetitive motions.

Building more muscle can also help in decreasing joint pains. Strengthening the muscles around the joint may help in reducing the impact and force on the joints.


Research show that obesity is more common in women than men. Extra weight on the body puts pressure on the knee joints which may cause cartilage erosion. Once the cartilage is damaged, it may eventually lead to arthritis. Studies show that every additional pound of bodyweight makes four pounds of weight in the knee. Therefore, it is important to maintain an appropriate weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Regular consultation and proper intake of supplements may help women prevent the early onset of joint problems. Talk to your doctor and find out how you can keep your joints strong and healthy.
